Posted by Neil Cole
The LexCorp viral marketing website for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" has launched a Lex/OS beta site which reveals details of the company's plans for artificial intelligence:
Innovation is a human instinct. The desire to make our lives better, easier and safer has driven invention since man discovered fire. In the 21st century, we are innovating automation. An age of machines that will "think" for us, freeing up human brain power to tackle the world's bigger questions. When machines behave like machines, they can be compromised. But when machines begin to behave more like humans, that complexity and uniqueness can make us more secure.
LEX/OS is the world's first neural network based operating system. We're teaching it to think like a human, but we need your help. As a Beta Tester, your actions will teach the system how humans solve problems. Each time you participate, the system will get smarter. Ready to get started?
The new site also features a series of files which can be unlocked by completing various puzzles ranging in levels of difficulty:
Our new LEX-OS is in its starting stages. Login or access as a guest to take part in our challenges and move forth. Humans face challenges everyday, as a beta tester, you will need to test your problem solving skills. The website link is in our bio. Thank you for being apart of our bright future.
Visit the new Lex/OS beta site at https://www.lex-os.io/.