Empire Magazine Cover Celebrates 80 Years of Superman

by Neil Cole

The latest issue of Empire Magazine celebrates the 80th Anniversary of Superman's debut appearance in Action Comics #1 in June, 1938 and features a cover with images of various actors that have portrayed the Man of Steel over the decades.

Christopher Reeve in featured prominently in his role as Superman from the 1978 blockbuster film and is joined by George Reeves from the classic television series "The Adventures of Superman", Dean Cain from the ABC television series "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman", Brandon Routh who starred in the title role in "Superman Returns", and Henry Cavill who is the latest actor to don the iconic costume in "Man of Steel," Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," and "Justice League".

Although they are not featured on the cover, the magazine does contain an in depth article on Superman which also showcases such actors as Tyler Hoechlin ("Supergirl"), Tom Welling ("Smallville"), Gerard Christopher ("Adventures of Superboy"), and Kirk Alyn ("Superman vs Atom Man").

The June issue of Empire Magazine dedicated to 80 years of Superman is currently available on newsstands and at various bookseller locations.

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