June 24, 2013: "Man of Steel" Costume Concept Art Revealed

by Neil Cole

Warren Manser, concept design artist for "Man of Steel", was recently interviewed by Film Sketchr and spoke about the various iterations the iconic Superman costume went through before the final design was chosen by director Zack Snyder.

"I recall hearing the term 'due diligence' in reference to the Superman suit and specifically to the red briefs," stated Manser. "It was extremely important that we created a costume that would respect the Man of Steel's origins while taking him to a new level. I don't even want to venture a guess at the number of variations, but [Snyder] may not be too far off [his statement of 1,500]. I had so many photoshop layers that I lost count.

Unfortunately, I cannot recall a timeframe, but when our director was satisfied that we exhausted all plausible avenues, he made the call. We said goodbye to the red briefs!"

Read the complete interview at FilmSketchr.com.

Manser has also posted several of the Superman costume concept designs (one of which is posted at right) he created for "Man of Steel" on his website which you can view at WarrenManser.com.