Original Copy of "Action Comics #1" Available at Auction

Posted on May 17, 2023 by Neil Cole

An original vintage copy of "Action Comics #1" (CGC 3.0) featuring the first appearance of Superman is currently being offerred at auction by Goldin Auctions.

The iconic cover of this offered copy of "Action Comics #1", illustrated Superman co-creator by Joe Shuster, features the iconic image of the Man of Steel lifting aloft a car, with frightened gangsters fleeing in terror. The richly detailed cover features sweat emanating from one of the gangsters, Superman's visage as he lifts the car over his head, to the man cowering in fear below the car, are so intricately and vividly brought to life that it would not be beyond the realm of reason to call this cover a piece of art. In fact, this cover has been compared to the Antonio del Pollauiolo's Hercules and the Hydra by numerous keen-eyed critics and enthusiasts.

When speaking of this Holy Grail, it must be noted that there are only around 100 copies known to collectors to have survived the Depression, World War II, and countless other world events to make it to the present day. There are only a scant 43 Universal examples of this revolutionary title in CGC's census reporting, making this offered copy all the more desired by serious collectors and investors.

For more information or to place a bid on this Holy Grail of vintage comic books, please visit Goldin.co.

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