Painting the Superman Statue in Metropolis, IL Fundraiser

The world-famous Superman Statue in Metropolis, IL is due for a fresh coat of paint and you can help by donating towards the cost of materials and labor.

A fundraiser has been set up on Facebook to raise a few hundred dollars which will be used to paint the 15-foot-tall Man of Steel statue in his iconic red, blue, and yellow colors.

"My family has painted the Superman Statue for over 25 years," says Super Museum curator Morgan Siebert. "We always use farm equipment paint because it is made for metal so it is a little more expensive than normal household paint. Painting the statue will take about four days and we would like to get it done before the quarantine is over."

Following fundraising efforts which ultimately raised over $100,000, the statue was unveiled on June 5, 1993 and stands proudly in full color in front of the Metropolis Courthouse building on Superman Square.

Throughout the year, more than 60,000 people stop in the Ohio River town and visit the statue for photo-ops. The foot traffic combined with some harsh winter weather causes wear and tear on the statue's paint which requires maintenance every few years.

"Like in the movie 'Man of Steel', the 'S' stands for Hope," added Siebert. "And we could all use a little more hope in a time like this."

If you would like to donate towards the fundraiser, please click here!

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