"Your Superman, You Are Superman" marks the return of Peruvian-born singer/songwriter/guitarist LouBlack following a 10-year hiatus from his avant-garde pop ensemble, The Ash Lovelies, and 17 years since the release of his dark and soulful solo album "City of No Winters" (featuring the popular "Searching for a Land of Love").
The early weeks of the 2020 pandemic/shutdown inspired cabin fever silliness and a desire to perform happy and upbeat songs. Once Lou joined "Made in Isolation," the Baltimore-based online artist community, he felt inspired to take his unreleased "Your Superman, You Are Superman" song, record it as a live one-man-band performance video, and sprinkle in scenes from Max Fleischer's 1940's "Superman" cartoons. This led to a return to the recording studio to create a full band arrangement and Lou's first single song release.
When asked why he wrote a song about Superman, Lou said, "I was a child when I immigrated from Spanish-speaking Peru to French-speaking Canada to English-speaking U.S. That was a lot of change for a kid. I saw Superman as a fellow immigrant, a fellow only child who was also growing up in the Midwest - me in Missouri and him in neighboring Kansas. I could relate to this idea of being like him, a stranger in a strange land, and having to assimilate into American life. He was my first comic book superhero, and this set me on the path to collect over 1,000 comic books as a kid and to pursue art/cartooning/film/animation hobbies. This song is a tribute to this pop culture icon."
"Your Superman, You Are Superman" was produced by Dave Mallen - who also contributed piano and synth tracks - at the award-winning Innovation Station Music. Additional musical support came from Lou's former bandmates from The Ash Lovelies: Joseph Abramson (sax), Kyle Schmitt (bass), and Jerry Tolk (drums).
Lou Black (aka Luis Eduardo Schwarz) was born in Peru and educated in the United States and the United Kingdom. During his musical hiatus, Lou's alter ego returned to scientific/statistical research activities, the highlight of those culminating in a publication in the prestigious journal Science.
The song will is currently available on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, and other popular digital/streaming platforms.
For more information, contact AshLovely@Factor21Records.com or visit Factor 21 Records.