The Adventures
of Superman Companion
The George Reeves Adventures of Superman Companion Book by Peter Murano of Texas. This is an incredible look at the show only a true fan could express and readers to fully appreciate. Outstanding detail of episodes, the first to explore character guest star credits beyond just name recognition. Includes memorable lines, flying sequences, secret identity alerts, cars, apartments, assignments and much more. This book was in the works long before Warners started releasing the Adventures of Superman on DVD and with the release of both the book and the DVD's, the timing could not have been any better for Peter. Interesting to note is the Radio show style CD provided as a bonus with each book sold. Peter and his wife Elsa are a wonderful combo, giving insight and interesting facts about the series music scores and cues. My personal favorite was listening to the magnificent and energetic cues from The Golden Vulture. Listen for Peter's dead on impersonation of Peter Whitney's Captain McBain. Book also boasts another marvelous illustration by Randy Garrett. You'll not want to put this book down. You'll have it by your side while watching all your episodes. You'll take it everywhere. You'll keep it on your night table while asleep. You'll love it.