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Order Your Copy from Amazon.com The Super Powers Team:
Galactic Guardians

In 1985 this final version of Hanna-Barbera's Superfriends premiered. The Superfriends were once again headquartered at the Hall of Justice in Metropolis, and battled such familiar foes as Lex Luthor, Scarecrow and Darkseid. Second only to Challenge of the Superfriends, Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians was one of the most faithful TV adaptations of DC Comic superheroes. Like its predecessor, SuperFriends: The Legendary Super Powers show, Galactic Guardians featured Adam West as Batman along with featuring Superman and Robin and showcasing relatively new superheroes Firestorm and Cyborg as well as members of previous Super Friend incarnations (Samurai, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, The Flash). The show featured Darkseid of Apokolips and his minions Kalibak and DeSaad as the primary protagonists. Other DC villains (the Joker, Lex Luthor, the Penguin, Scarecrow, Felix Faust, Joker, The Penguin, Brainiac, etc.) also appeared from time to time.

Super Powers Team

Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
The Flash

The Flash appeared only in "The Death of Superman" episode, and never used his powers. El Dorado also made an appearance in that episode, and never used his powers. Aquaman never used his powers in this series, but helped Superman and Wonder Woman in the last episode, "Escape from Space City."

Darkseid villains

The Parademons

Individual villains

Lex Luthor
The Joker
The Royal Flush Gang
Felix Faust
The Penguin
Mr. Mxyzptlk
Mr. Kltpzyxm (Mr. Mxyzptlk Bizarro)
Wondezarro (Wonder Woman Bizarro)
Cyzarro (Cyborg Bizarro)
Firezarro (Firestorm Bizarro)

Both The Joker and The Penguin made their first (and only) Superfriends appearances in two different episodes. While Batman appeared in Joker's appearance episode, he was not present in Penguin's appearance episode.

Full Voice Cast

Jack Angel - Flash, Hawkman, Samurai
Rene Auberjonois - DeSaad
Bill Callaway - Aquaman
Peter Cullen - Felix Faust
Danny Dark - Superman and Bizarro
Ernie Hudson - Cyborg
Casey Kasem - Robin
Stanley Ralph Ross - Brainiac
Michael Rye - Green Lantern
Olan Soule - Professor Martin Stein
Andre Stojka - The Penguin
Mark L. Taylor - Firestorm
B.J. Ward - Wonder Woman
Frank Welker - Darkseid, Kalibak, The Joker, Mr. Mxyzptlk
Adam West - Batman

Notable Firsts

In the episode titled "The Fear" Batman's origin is told for the first time outside of the actual comics. The episode was written by Alan Burnett, later a story editor on Batman: The Animated Series.

This series also marked the first ever animated appearance of Cyborg in other media.


1. The Seeds of Doom --9/14/1985
2. Ghost Ship / The Bizarro Super Powers Team--9/21/1985
3. The Darkseid Deception --9/28/1985
4. The Fear --10/5/1985
5. The Wild Cards --10/12/1985
6. Brainchild / The Case of the Stolen Super Powers --10/19/1985
7. The Death of Superman -11/2/1985
8. Escape From Space City -11/9/1985

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