The 2009 Artists Alley will once again be back at The Four Rivers Church building again this year- and with A/C!
Panels will last approximately 45min each. All the programming and events in Artists Alley are free and open to all visitors- and do not require tickets. The only exception may be the showing of Superman and the Mole Men.
Friday, June 12
10am Artists Alley opens
11am Comics Panel- TBA
12pm Writers Q&A (Writer GOHs)
1pm "Jetta: Tales Of The Toshigawa" comics panel (Martheus Antone Wade, Janet Wade, Kevin L. Williams)
2pm Painting For Comics- The Art Of Adam B. Shaw (Adam B. Shaw and Penny Register-Shaw)
3pm Artist Q&A (Artist GOHs)
4pm "The Red Mullet"- From Comics To Film panel (Jay Chuppe and Andrew Chandler)
5:30pm Artists Alley closes
6:45pm Artist Alley Re-opens For After Hours Events
7pm Tribute To Noel Neill: The First Lady Of Metropolis (Noel tribute video w/Q&A by Noel Neill and Larry Ward)
8pm Recollections of George Reeves: Noel Neill's favorite "Adventures of Superman" episodes (4 episodes- with intro by Noel)
9:30pm World Premier of The Red Mullet Movie (with "red carpet" reception)
10:30pm "Red Mullet:The Movie" Q&A (with Jay Chuppe and The Red Mullet)
11pm Artists Alley closes
Saturday, June 13
10am Artists Alley opens
11am Comics Panel- TBA
12pm Do It Yourself Comics 101: Intro To Self-Publishing/Promotion seminar (Lin Workman)
1pm Comics Panel- TBA
2pm Comics Panel- TBA
3pm Jetta:From Comics To Film panel (Martheus Antone Wade, Janet Wade, Kevin Williams, Lizard Brain Productions)
4pm Art of Puppetry panel (Kevin L. Williams, Tim Brown, Andrew Chandler, Adam B. Shaw)
5:30pm Artists Alley closes
6:30pm Artist Alley Re-opens For After Hours Events
7pm George Reeve's Tribute (actress Beverly Washburn speaks, George Reeves tribute video by Tim Brown, New Adventures of SuperMule short before movie)
7:30pm "Superman and the Mole Men" movie (with intro by Beverly Washburn)
9pm 2nd Annual Metropolis Fan Films (Sponsored by Inked Monkey)
10:30pm Costume Dance Party (with host Timmy "does this outfit make me look SUPER?" Brown)
12am Artists Alley closes
Sunday, June 14
10am Artists Alley opens
10-4pm TBA
4pm Artist Alley closes